2 Million Reasons to Celebrate

Video Makes a Difference for Somerset Hills Learning Institute
nonprofit video production nj

At Video Made Better, we believe in the power of video to tell stories, connect with audiences, and inspire action. Recently, we had the privilege of partnering with the Somerset Hills Learning Institute (SHLI), a non-profit school dedicated to providing exceptional education and support to children with autism.

Our mission? To create a compelling video for their annual fundraising gala that would resonate with donors and raise vital funds for SHLI’s incredible programs.

A Story of Hope and Progress

We knew the key was showcasing the heart of SHLI: the students and the transformative impact the school has on their lives. The video weaved together interviews with parents, heartwarming scenes of children engaged in learning activities, and testimonials from dedicated teachers.

By capturing the unique challenges and triumphs of children with autism, the video fostered a sense of connection and understanding with the audience. It highlighted the importance of SHLI’s evidence-based approach, which uses Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to empower students to reach their full potential.

A Night of Giving

The video premiered at SHLI’s annual gala, and the response was overwhelming. Tears were shed, hearts were touched, and wallets were opened. By the end of the evening, an incredible $2 million had been raised in donations – a testament to the power of storytelling in action.

Beyond the Numbers 

The impact goes far beyond the financial contribution. The video served as a powerful tool to raise awareness of autism and the vital role SHLI plays in the lives of these children. It will continue to be used for online fundraising and outreach efforts, ensuring a lasting impact.

Partnering for Change

At Video Made Better, we are humbled to have played a part in SHLI’s success. This experience is a powerful reminder of the positive change that video can create. We are dedicated to using our skills to help non-profit organizations like SHLI make a difference in the world.

Are you a non-profit looking to tell your story and raise awareness? Contact Video Made Better today, and let’s create a video that inspires change!

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